After the meeting I attended in summer at the Royal Academy of Arts in London about Dubai Arts and Past, Present and Future, I have been researching more on the Royal Family. I am impressed with the work they do and love these words.
كلمة الحياة مؤنثة .. والحضارة مؤنثة .. والكتابة والقصيدة والأماني الجميلة .. كلها مؤنثة .. كل شيء جميل في حياتنا مطبوع ببصمة الأنثى .. هي "الصديقة والرقيقة والرفيقة والمعلمة الأصيلة"... حفظكن الله أيتها الأميرات .. وكل عام وأنتن أجمل وأعظم وأكثر إبهارا وتألقاً
The word life is feminine. Civilization is feminine. and writing and the poem and the beautiful wishes. They are all feminine. Everything is beautiful in our lives imprinted with the female footprint. Are "friendly, kind, companion and authentic Teacher"... May God protect you, O princesses. And every year you are the most beautiful and the greatest and the most amazing and the brightest..
oh this is a beautiful جميلة quote from HH Sheikh Mohammed Dubai
There is some inspirational poetry on the website too HRH Sheikh Mohammed