YEA HELLO LADY PROF MARJORIE! what a lovely day with some great students eager to understand and do well at school...that are taking extra lessons...... been dancing through cellular biology with awesome appreciation of mitochondria... taken a wander through the digestive tract.... brushed up on photosynthesis in plants mind blown with mathematical equations and chemistry .... OMG my grandsons physics brain teasing homework is here tooooo... Nicola may need those youtube links hhhhhhhhhh or paracetamol!!! loved my new Indian lads to the UK and they were fascinated how much this old gouray knew about India ... and football and cricket so cracked them open to now be chatterboxes in English!! love love love classroom work...... so looks like the director keen on me.... we will meet later in the week after Granny revolution to discuss further..... now how come I am the teacher but yet I have set myself some homework hhhh stimulated to think of some teaching aids now on the subjects I know the kids are wrestling with .... so busy Lady Marjorie..
The Dept of Education will be pleased I have found a niche..... as we have been trying to problem solve getting some opportunity in teaching.
it will be great to get these kids posing for their degree photos in the future as I did in the past.