Thursday, 11 May 2017

Cross Stitch in Uxbridge Library

Been watching the cross stitch group over the weeks in the weekly group held in Uxbridge Library... But now their finished work is framed and on display... or was today is the last day. However I am told there will be a new display near Christmas with some cards to buy too. 

I really like this work of the sewing machine the type of stitch is fascinating on the machine and its stand.... and the material flow so beautiful with all the patterns and colours. 

This set of keys was moving for me as I do a lot of work with Palestinians in Gaza.  I have been mentoring a nursing student now graduated with online work. So I am eager to show him this and the community there.  It is fitting with Nakba Day coming up on the 15th May.  The day of being forced out of their homes in 1948. The cross stitch group leader was saying the same -  she too had thought of them and the way elders still have their keys round their necks in the hope of return to their homes.  So a reflective time as we studied the work. 

Yawm an-Nakba

يوم النكبه   

Day of the Catastrophe


And more wonderful work that is truly inspirational.. and been a joy to see not only in frame but the work done over the weeks.