Saturday, 27 May 2017

Ramadan Kareem

Lovely afternoon yesterday at the King George VI mosque in Regents Park. Always inspired by the story of the land given by King George to build a mosque in grateful thanks to the British Muslims that fought in the WW2 and so lovely he laid the foundation stone for this Islamic educational centre. We enjoy visitors from all faiths coming along and sharing together in love and peace and understanding. Fully achieving the goals set by the Queen's father King George VI  Yesterday was packed and brothers and sisters spilling outside in the lovely hot sunshine of the day.  The birds singing as if to join in with the Friday prayers and with an air of excitement on the eve of Ramadan. 
Some of the sisters showed great interest in my Family Link Up project with the Syrian refugees. There were a few wishing to go with me to the camps too. We talked of the idea of teaching midwifery to the Syrian womenfolk too. I still feel this would be a good mission to help the host countries, give the women instant career structure to rebuild their lives with... what better than rebuilding lives bringing new life in the world safely.  I need to forge a link up with midwifery schools and see if I can achieve this before my day of parting this world. So conscious of getting older you see.  So much I would like to achieve yet on this Earthly plane.. But being the earthly plane all needs funds to do.... 
Family Link Up - be part of the story
Donate through gofundme Thank you 
¸╭•⊰ GoFundMe ღ¸╭•⊰

Love in the Mosque the offer of Sign language for the deaf