Monday, 29 May 2017

Reflecting in the park

Yesterday took a walk and sat awhile in the local park on the way to the Yiewsley Baptist Church Political hustings.....I used to live in Yiewsley West London.... this park I sat in time and time again when Amine my husband left me in 2014 and it became apparent I had been not only abused but scammed too......
But you know what yesterday I sat and wrote down all the things I have done and achieved since and that list filled a page of my notebook from campaigning for women, to care for our bravehearts in Palestine to helping our Syrian refugees... I have studied and read up on international affairs ... I have marched and protested and walked in the corridors of power in Parliament.. both House of Commons and House of Lords even joined debates in Europe House and Universities .... LADY MARJORIE .....COME ON GIRL YOU CAN REBUILD even if nowt in my pocket and wearing £14.99 battered shoes. This lady ain't needing Kitten designer shoes... just my freedom pass and a good voice, blog and a tweet and off she goes on campaigns to find justice and fairness where there is injustice and pain.  Last night shared my story and the pain of the DWP letting women DV victims down .. you know all the candidates and the audience and the minister of the church all pledged to stand with me ... as we must change the system for the women aside me and behind me was very special night of us all coming together and sharing.. no political argey bargey but seeing the problems this government has created with bad management and how we need to action plan to solve them problems and ease the pain in society. A society without Compassion ceases to be a Society.... Compassion is what is needed now to heal us all and the nation.... and the globe ... 

I am trying so hard to rebuild my life and others too... why because that is Marjorie... ohhh my goodness can also add in my list been a character in a play written by Michael Wynne Who Cares!  The last election look at all those that work in the NHS and use the NHS been helped by the NHS been let down by the NHS cutbacks.... but most of all Who will Care for the NHS?