Fascinating article on the therapeutic value of Alpacas.. They are recognised as very sensitive creatures with an aura of peacefulness. There is a suggestion that the Alpacas have structurally a mouth that at rest looks like a smile. So this evokes a happy connection. When you stroke them their fur is soft so tactically appealing.... That softness of fur as we know used for weaving and knitting; and when I think of that it is as if the peacefulness of the Alpaca is transmitted in the wool as we knit and weave with it... and the finished garment feels comforting to wear.
I love the story of how therapeutic they are of one woman who said she arrived at the farm heavy with so much emotional baggage...but when with the Alpacas her troubles lifted. There is in fact a CALM therapy = Cognitive Alpaca Learning Methods with building evidence of helping both children and adults with special needs.
Here are the reference links:
Hilly Ridge Alpaca Farm
Charnwood Forest Alpacas
BobCat Alpacas
I am finding this Breathe magazine full of good and knowledgeable reads.